A modern company but having their roots in the old times

Ideal Clima is the italian Company having the oldest tradition and experience in the heating field with roots the XX century.

This reserve of knowledge and the impetus given by the adoption of new technologies have made Ideal Clima a main point of reference in design and heating installation.

The daily challenge to maintain quality and service at the top level for customer satisfaction, and the constant determination to improve the company performance, give to IDEAL CLIMA the chance to be aggressive in new market area, and in the meantime to maintain the leadership in the core of business sectors.

Now IDEAL CLIMA, having built its basis by great history, is a prelude to a great future, thanks to a job style always oriented to the innovation and the continuous improvement and to the attention to the partners inside and outside company.

Ideal Clima System srl p.IVA IT03111240986, Via della Volta, 183 - 25124 Brescia Italy

e-mail: info@idealclima.org Tel. +39 0303545319 Fax: +39 0305109329